Dental Crowns & Dental Bridge

Dental Crowns & Dental Bridge by Brampton Dentist

Brampton Dental Clinic Providing Dental Crown & Bridge

You may need a dental crown if you need to protect your teeth due to the presence of a fracture or large filling. If your teeth are worn out, or if you would like to alter the appearance of the teeth due to cosmetic reasons, you still need a ceramic crown or veneer. After root canal treatment or implant treatment, you will need ceramic or PFM crowns. If you have any allergies to metals, it’s preferable to have all ceramic crowns. It is not a must that you need ceramic crowns. There are other options including metal crowns, metal-ceramic crowns which you can discuss with the dentist during your consultation prior to the treatment.

Are Ceramic Crowns better?

Ceramic or porcelain crowns give the tooth a lifelike or natural appearance. You can eliminate the dark shade near the gum line and the dull appearance with the use of ceramic crowns. For the same reason, all ceramic crowns can be the best option for front teeth. They are strong and durable just like other crowns. Different kinds of all ceramic crowns are there – Zirconia, Emax, and so on. The dentist will explain to you the various options and suggest the suitable one for you.

Dental Crowns Dental Bridge

How is the procedure?

You need two visits to do the dental crowns. During the first visit, after discussing the treatment options, the dentist will prepare your teeth according to some specifications. The procedure is painless and may need local anesthesia. After the procedure, a temporary crown will be placed until the permanent crown is fabricated. The shade of the teeth will be noted and passed to the lab for color match. The second visit is typically after a week. The final crown will be fixed during this visit. Instructions will be given as well.

Insurance Coverage

Dental crowns are either fully or partially covered by most insurance. From Polaris Dental, we can bill the insurance directly.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges replace missing teeth. Ceramic bridges are highly esthetic and robust enough to replace missing teeth. When the empty spaces caused by missing teeth are left untreated like that, adjacent and opposing teeth shift to the space and make these vulnerable to caries and gum disease.

dental bridge ceramic

When done on time, bridges restore function and improve appearance. 

We use a digital scanner to capture the measurements precisely and deliver them to the lab. Dental bridges restore the smile and your oral health. 

Call us for a free consultation

dental bridge ceramic

We bill your insurance directly.
We always welcome new patients.

We work as a team to provide high quality dental services to our patients in Brampton and the neighboring areas. We know that you are busy – For the convenience of our patients, we are open on weekends including Sundays. Our timings are flexible with options for early morning and late evening appointments including emergency appointments.

We offer comprehensive care for our patients including various modalities of cosmetic dentistry. Smile-enhancing procedures like bonding,veneers, ceramic crowns, teeth whitening are done to meet the unique needs of each and every patient.

In our general dental practice,we also offer Invisalign and orthodontic braces at an affordable price. As you know, Invisalign is one of the ways of corrective treatment for misalignment of teeth This involves transitioning through a series of aligners until the desired change is accomplished.Read more about Invisalign below.

Emergency dental care is offered at an affordable rate and this includes root canal treatment, wisdom teeth removals and a comprehensive range of dental services. Open on Sundays.

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