Concerned About a Wisdom Tooth?

Are you worried that a wisdom tooth may not be erupting properly? Schedule a consultation with the team at Polaris Dental in Brampton.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction by Brampton Dentist

Wisdom Tooth Extractions Brampton, Ontario

Do you or your child have an incoming wisdom tooth that is causing pain or discomfort? It might indicate that a wisdom tooth extraction will need to be performed. As part of Polaris Dental’s comprehensive treatment plans, we offer wisdom tooth extractions for Brampton patients. Call us today to schedule a consultation.

How much does it cost to remove all four wisdom teeth?

It costs around $300 – $700 to remove one wisdom tooth. Removal of partially erupted wisdom teeth and also lower wisdom teeth costs more than the upper teeth due to the difficulty in removal of the teeth. Dental insurance covers the cost of wisdom teeth removal, and we bill the insurance directly.

Who will remove the wisdom teeth?

Dr. Smitha Manoj and Dr. Steven Zhao are well-experienced and gentle in wisdom teeth removal. 

Is it better to get 2 or 4 wisdom teeth removed?

If all the wisdom teeth are not favorably positioned, it is better to get all four removed. Removing all four wisdom teeth will help to avoid complications in the future.

How painful is wisdom teeth removal? Are you awake during the procedure?

Wisdom teeth removal is not painful. Profound local anesthesia ensures that nothing is felt during the procedure. You will be conscious during the procedure; you may choose laughing gas if you want to ease your tension and feel relaxed during wisdom teeth removal. Mild tenderness may last for a few days after the procedure. Adequate medicines will be prescribed so you won’t feel any discomfort after the procedure.

Do dentists remove all four wisdom teeth at once? How long does it take to remove all four wisdom teeth?

Yes, when needed, all four wisdom teeth are removed. It would take around 20 – 30 minutes to remove all four wisdom teeth.

How soon can you talk and eat after removing the wisdom teeth?

It will be difficult to talk for a few hours after the removal of wisdom teeth due to the effect of local anesthesia. After 1- 2 hours, the numbness will wear off and you can eat soft food and talk better.

When is it Necessary to Pull a Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom tooth extractions are so common they almost seem to be a rite of passage for young adults. While it is only necessary to pull a wisdom tooth under specific situations, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states that over 50% of individuals will have at least one wisdom tooth extracted from the ages of 16 to 24.

Here are some of the complications that can result from a wisdom tooth erupting improperly:

  • Impacted wisdom tooth. An impacted wisdom tooth occurs when there is not enough space in the dental arch for the tooth to erupt properly. This can increase the risk of tooth decay and other complications since bacteria and food particles can become lodged between the wisdom tooth and gums. This can eventually lead to a condition known as pericoronitis, which is a chronic infection around the tissues of impacted teeth. This can result in periodontal disease and periodontitis, which can eventually lead to tooth loss.
  • Dental crowding. When there is not enough space in the arch for teeth to come in, they can force other teeth out of alignment. The result is often crowded, crooked, and overlapping teeth. The erupting wisdom tooth can also damage neighboring teeth. Dental crowding, as previously mentioned, can cause difficulty in performing basic oral hygiene functions such as brushing and flossing.
  • Oral cysts. Prior to teeth coming in, they form in a sac inside the jawbone. If the wisdom tooth is unable to erupt, this sac can become inundated with bacteria, which can lead to the formation of an oral cyst. Oral cysts can damage hard and soft tissues and – in rare instances – can lead to non-cancerous tumors that require surgical removal.

The best way to avoid complications with an erupting wisdom tooth is to consult with your dentist. Call Polaris Dental for a consultation today!

Watch for These Signs of an Improperly Erupting Wisdom Tooth

The best way to determine if you are experiencing complications from an erupting wisdom tooth is through a professional consultation. But, there are a few things you can watch out for if you are concerned. If you notice any of these symptoms you should meet with your dentist as soon as possible:

  • Pain around the eruption site. Some tenderness can be expected when a tooth erupts, but when the pain is severe or an infection is followed by the eruption of wisdom teeth, you should visit your dentist.   
  • Presence of pus. Wisdom tooth infection can cause pus discharge. It may also indicate the presence of gum disease.
  • Foul breath or taste. When a wisdom tooth becomes impacted or causes crowding, it can lead to a buildup of bacteria, which can cause a foul taste or breath.
  • Facial swelling or pain. Inflammation is the body’s natural reaction to injury and infection. Consult your dentist if you notice swelling around the jaw, lymph nodes, neck, or face. Persistent headaches, earaches, as well as pain or stiffness in the face or neck areas may also indicate a wisdom tooth complication.

It’s worth noting that you can have wisdom tooth complications without any obvious symptoms. This is why it’s important to attend regular checkups with your dentist.

What to Expect During a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom tooth removal or extraction is a painless procedure. All four wisdom teeth are removed in one appointment, and the extraction may take 20 -30 minutes. We will give you detailed post-extraction instructions. It may take a couple of days to eat and drink normally.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedure:

  • Consultation and X-rays: our professional dentist will inspect the teeth and take X-rays to assess the spot and position of the wisdom teeth.
  • Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia, sedation, or general anaesthesia may be used to provide comfort during the procedure.
  • Removal: The dentist will carefully extract the wisdom teeth, often in sections if they are impacted.
  • Sutures: Sutures may be used to seal the gum tissue.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Brampton

Polaris Dental is an excellent option for Wisdom Teeth Removal Brampton. Polaris Dental has the most experienced dentists who have accomplished countless wisdom teeth removal issues with precision and care. Our world-class facilities and leading techniques ensure that patients receive extraordinary care during and after wisdom teeth removal procedures. Patients can trust Polaris Dental to provide a satisfied and stress-free experience when it comes to wisdom teeth removal in Brampton. Polaris Dental is the most trusted and preferred dental clinic for wisdom teeth removal in Brampton. Patients can relax knowing that they are in responsible hands with our team of skilled professionals. Our professional dentists take the time to explain the procedure and answer any questions or concerns that patients may have. With our commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction, Polaris Dental is the top choice for wisdom teeth removal in Brampton. Don’t wait any longer to address your wisdom teeth issues – schedule a consultation with us today and experience the difference that Polaris Dental can make in your oral health.

Complications of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

There are many risks if not removing impacted wisdom teeth:

  • Tooth Decay: Difficulty cleaning around impacted teeth increases the risk of cavities.
  • Infection (Pericoronitis): Inflammation and infection of the gum tissue around the affected tooth.
  • Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs may develop around the affected teeth, causing damage to the bones and surrounding tissues.
  • Difficulty with Orthodontic Treatment: Impacted wisdom teeth can interfere with the straightening of the teeth.
  • Damage to Adjacent Teeth: Force from affected teeth can cause crowding or damage to other molars.

Have a Question About Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

The team at Polaris Dental are here to answer your questions and concerns. If you are worried about an incoming wisdom tooth, call us today to schedule an appointment.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Dr Smitha Manoj

More About Dr. Smitha Manoj

Dr. Smitha Manoj was associated with various practices located at Brampton, Scarborough, Etobicoke, Guelph, Markham, and Hamilton before she started with Polaris Dental. She also worked as a clinical instructor to assist other foreign-trained dentists at the Toronto Centre For Clinical Dental Studies.

In 2017, Dr. Smitha Manoj joined the Toronto Public Health as a dentist in the City of Toronto. Dr. Manoj has accumulated a wealth of dentistry experience, enabling her to provide a wide range of services to her patients. She is committed to professionalism, compassion, and excellence.

Dr. Steven Zhao

More About Dr. Steven Zhao

Dr. Steven Zhao possesses a strong passion for providing personal, patient-centered, and evidence-based care through continuing education courses. He was awarded the Toronto Crown and Bridge Award for the most outstanding work in prosthodontics and restorative dentistry while obtaining his Dental Degree from the University of Toronto. He also has a special interest in cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry.

Dr. Zhao focuses on personal attention to each and every one of his patients while addressing their anxieties and concerns. He encourages open discussion and takes the time to explain treatments to his patients. What he enjoys the most about dentistry is not only building beautiful smiles but listening and sharing stories with his patients.

Dr. Steven Zhao

We bill your insurance directly.
We always welcome new patients.

We work as a team to provide high quality dental services to our patients in Brampton and the neighboring areas. We know that you are busy – For the convenience of our patients, we are open on weekends including Sundays. Our timings are flexible with options for early morning and late evening appointments including emergency appointments.

We offer comprehensive care for our patients including various modalities of cosmetic dentistry. Smile-enhancing procedures like bonding,veneers, ceramic crowns, teeth whitening are done to meet the unique needs of each and every patient.

In our general dental practice,we also offer Invisalign and orthodontic braces at an affordable price. As you know, Invisalign is one of the ways of corrective treatment for misalignment of teeth This involves transitioning through a series of aligners until the desired change is accomplished.Read more about Invisalign below.

Emergency dental care is offered at an affordable rate and this includes root canal treatment, wisdom teeth removals and a comprehensive range of dental services. Open on Sundays.

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