
Dental Veneers in Brampton – Smile Design

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Dental Veneers in Brampton

Veneers are custom made shells on the teeth that enhance the smile drastically in a day. These can be made of tooth-colored materials or porcelain. Veneers are not expensive as people think. You can attain the celebrity smile at an affordable rate

When do you need veneers?

Veneers are commonly used to mask the imperfections on your teeth. This includes cracks, stubborn stains, chips. Dental veneers can also close the spacing between teeth, they give the perfect shape to misshapen teeth like peg shaped teeth. Asymmetries in the size and shape of the teeth can be fixed with veneers.

Dental veneers can be done for a single tooth or multiple teeth.

Dental Veneer Appointments

The treatment involves multiple appointments. The dentist will do a consultation appointment initially to identify your needs and discuss the costs. Your treatment plan will be discussed with you during the initial visit. The change can be simulated on your teeth to make sure that you get the results that you wanted.

During your next visit, the teeth will be modified for veneer placement. We use a digital scanner to accurately capture the measurements and design your smile. The exact shade of the veneers will be determined during this visit.

Veneers are fixed during the third visit to confer the brand new smile. We make sure that we do a follow up appointment to make sure that you are comfortable and happy with the veneers.


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